18 Oct 2024

Hoopla, giveaways and bombast? Aplenty! Fiscal truths? Nah — still MIA

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Here at the PolicyWorks, unvarnished reality is the guiding concept, always. Energy policy, elections and other policy issues are addressed with objectivity, simple declaratives, fact-based conclusions and an occasional bit of whimsy. We’ve always believed a solid punch in the face will get some attention. In our most recent previous essay we examined the absence of discussion and debate around U.S. imminent fiscal strain and absence of restraint in federal spending. We called out both party candiates with a figurative punch in their faces for the blatant omission.

A mere two weeks away from Election Day, not only is the silence on critical fiscal matters deeper and wider, the candidates hawking of tax breaks for the middle class, tax giveaways relating to overtime, tips and business startups is amped up daily, if not hourly. These and other ill-conceived gimmicks jigger human behavior to seize those “favors” while sticking other taxpayers with the tab. We’re way past free lunches, it’s now all in. Both candidates’ are in Let’s Make a Deal mode — both are hawking largesse behind Doors 1, 2 AND 3! The big zonk in the deal is the rest of us footing the bill.

We’ve lamented the silence of the press and the investment community — both of which should know better, having the responsibility to inform the public and investors, respectively. Happily, though perhaps too late in the game, both have spoken up.

The aching void in media coverage of the “policy elephant” was finally addressed in Karl Rove’s most recent column in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Sans whiteboard and grease pencil, the former Bush aide and frequent Fox News contributor weighed in October 17. “…neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris is saying much about some of the nation’s greatest challenges.”

Rove goes on to hold forth on the $35.7 trillion national debt, the impending bankruptcy of the U.S. social safety net and faltering national security. That security problem can be laid at the feet of the present administration thanks to its feckless foreign policy, appeasements and desultory defense spending. Some further digging reveals a September column by THE WALL STREET JOURNAL’S token liberal columnist William A. Galston calling out the candidates for ignoring their “…duty of public officials — especially candidates for high office — to tell the people what they need to know, not only what they want to hear. Ignoring tough issues may yield short-term gains for politicians, but future generations will judge their silence sharply.”

Then just this morning, Stansberry Research alerted its subscribers to what it termed “the biggest ticking time bomb in financial history.” A little late fellas for something of this magnitude, doncha think?

The fiscal impact will be staggering whichever candidate wins. The worst case fiscally accompanying a Harris win is $8.1 trillion and with a Trump win the impact could be as high as $15.15 trillion as reported by the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. The current national debt is $35.7 trillion and in July and August alone government added ONE HALF TRILLION MORE in debt. Two of the three major credit rating gagencies have downgraded the U.S. credit rating.

The vows for profligacy from both Presidential candidates and their running mates is beneath contempt. The U.S. has desperate need of firm resolve in its highest office for fiscal restraint. Absent that, security challenges will accelerate:

  • The China/Russia/Iran/NJ. Korea axis
  • The national grid — wobbly even now — sure to be under greater strain with power needs from AI and green mandates
  • Stemming illegal immigration and the accompanying drugs/criminals/human trafficking entering the nation across both borders
  • A divided nation where one half of the populace is convinced that other half has disappeared over the edge

There could have been an election with candidates debating critical issues — perhaps Haley or DeSantis going head to head against Pennsylvania’s governor Shapiro. But no, the vitriol and bombast on both sides has degraded the process into assassination attempts, the unceremonious ouster of Mr. Biden. The entrenched Washington D cabal tapped their chosen poodle, the queen of word salads who “promises to follow the law.” Changes in national direction (green foolishness anyone?) charted by the present administration? “Nothing comes to mind.”

The U.S. doesn’t have time or treasure for misdirection, deceit and sleight of hand — tariffs, loan forgiveness, tax breaks coupled with tax increases, browbeating Israel as it hammers Iran’s proxies, dawdling over Taiwan and Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. No we don’t — but all we have from these candidates are floods of bombast, fear mongering and bloviating. Both parties and their candidates have turned the process into a flaming wagon of dung.

We have done this to us. We have punched ourselves in the face.


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